Social Icons


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Some Important questions in History - 6th class Social Science - The First Empire - The Maurya

 Tick (✓) the correct answer.

1. The literary sources for the Mauryan period include the Indika and the 

a. rock edicts.    b. Arthashastra.         c. coins.                d. pillar edicts.        (b)

2. ------- defeated Seleucus Nicator, a general of the Greek king Alexander.

a. Bindusara       b. Chanakya        c. Chandragupta Maurya  d. Bimbisara         (c)

3. 3. Under ----------, the Mauryan Empire spread across the whole of the Indian subcontinent, except for Kalinga and few kingdoms in the south.

a. Ajatashatru      b. Ashoka          c. Kautilya                    d. Bindusara             (b)

4. Ashoka gave up the policy of conquest through war and began to follow a policy of conquest through

a. negotiations.             b. trade.              c. dharma.     d. sea routes           (c)

5. Most of the edicts were in------------ script.

a. Brahmi          b. Prakrit                     c. Devanagari                 d. Kharoshthi            (b)

6. The --------- was the head of the district.

a. Yukta         b. Rajuka               c. Senapati            d. Pradeshta               (d)

7. Land revenue was fixed between one-fourth and -------- of the produce.

a. one-half              b. one-third      c. one-sixth              d. one-eighth            (c)

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