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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The First Empire - The Maurya - 6th class - Principles of Dhamma

 Principles of Dhamma:

The edicts of Ashoka describe the meaning of dhamma. It did not involve worship of a god or performance of sacrifices. Rather, it was a code of conduct and morals to be followed. It was inspired by the teachings of the Buddha. Through dhamma, Ashoka wanted to instil the spirit of tolerance, co-existence, non-violence and respect for elders in the people. He asked his people to 

  • speak the truth
  •  respect other religions.
  • obey their elders.
  • follow the path of 'ahimsa'.
  • practise charity towards the poor. 
  •  be kind to all including servants and slaves. 
  • live together peacefully,

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