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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

General Knowledge - Studying the Past # 2

General Knowledge - Studying the Past # 2
1. Physical remains like - and jewellery help archaeologists to know about the past? - (pots & bones)

2. The Indus Valley Civilization is an example of - ? (proto - history)

3. Dates in history are expressed in 2 terms - ? (BC & AD)

4. Monuments, inscriptions, artefacts and coins are example of - ? (archaeological)

5. The objects that humans made in the past----pottery, tools and ornaments are called? (artefacts)

6. Manuscripts were usually written on palm leaves & the barks of - --- trees? (birch)

7. ----- is the study of the past. (history)

8. The years of the birth Jesus Christ are counted-------(AD(Anno Domini)

9. ---------- has played an important role in the history of India. (Geography)

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