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Sunday, November 17, 2013

General Knowledge - Multiple - Choice Questions part 1

1. Physical remains like - and jewellery help archaeologists to know about the past.
a) books    b) pots       c) bones             d) Both a & c                                     (d)

2. The Indus Valley Civilization is an example of
a) prehistory       b) proto - history         c) continuous story    d) history           (b)

3. Dates in history are expressed in two terms -
a) BC & AD      b) AD & AC               c) BC & BD         d) DC & AD         (a)

4. Monuments, inscriptions, artefacts and coins are example of - sources.
a) oral        b) literary            c) archaeological         d) recent                          (c)

5. The objects that humans made in the past - pottery, tools and ornaments are called
a) monuments        b) coins        c) inscriptions         d) artefacts                       (d)

6. Manuscripts were usually written on palm trees and the barks of - trees.
a) palm            b) birch           c) ashoka                   d) deodar                       (b)

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