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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The effects of Pollution - 5th class

The effects of Pollution - 5th class
Choose the correct answer:
1. Cars & factories release - 
a) coolants               b) poisonous gases                 c) aerosol             (b)

2. Air pollution can be controlled if our automobiles use - 
a) kerosene            b) coal                      c) clean fuel                     (c)

3. Acid rain causes - 
a) noise pollution       b) soil pollution       c) deafness                    (b)

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.
1. Cars release ------ gases into the air. (poisonous)
2. Industries should be located away from ---------- area. (residential)
3. Burning fuel such as wood, coal, kerosene--------- the air. (pollute)
4. Sewage pollutes our ------ sources. (water)
5. Ships spill ------- into the sea causing extensive --------- pollution.(oil, water)
6. Roots of trees hold soil together, thus preventing --------- erosion.(soil)
7. ------- pollution leads to deafness & stress. (noise)
8. When rain is polluted, we call it ------- rain.(acid)

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